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 Now Is The Time To Equip Medical Devices: Why Compliance Is Critical Now


The fact that the medical device industry is still largely unregulated and full of question marks as to what makes a product safe and effective is a concern. However, with technology advancing at a rapid rate, it is time for these products to be regulated and safety standards must be met.

The Benefits of Compliance


Compliance can have many benefits for medical device manufacturers and it is a key component of FDA regulations. The lack of compliance can lead to products that don't function properly or that cause injury. Companies that do not comply with the appropriate practices are also risking their relationships with customers, who may rely on their product to save them from serious injury.


What Happens if You Fail to Comply with Regulators?


If a company does not comply with regulations, there are consequences. In the medical industry, these consequences can be severe for patients and for the company. If a company does not comply with regulations, it could lose its license to produce devices. There is also the potential that a company could face fines of up to $1 million or more.


Why Medical Devices Are Difficult to Regulate by Law Enforcement


Medical devices are difficult to regulate because they are so varied. They differ in their purpose, and there is no one model that can suffice for all situations. This makes it hard for law enforcement to make specific regulations that would apply to all cases. For example, the European Union passed a regulation on medical devices that was intended for patient safety. However, some companies were not able to comply with these new rules because they needed more time.


How to Start Implementing Device Regulations for Your Company


Today, medical devices are facing increased regulatory scrutiny. The FDA and United States Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released their final guidance on implementing the International Medical Device Regulations (IMDR). With this guidance in place, companies should consider how to best comply with these regulations.


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