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Seven advantages of Handheld Laser Welder

(1) The aspect ratio of height. The welding is deep and narrow, and the welding is bright and beautiful.

(2) Minimal hot typing. Because of the high power, the whole melting process is very fast, the heat of the typed product workpiece is very low, the welding speed is faster, the thermal deformation is small, and the thermal damage is small.

(3) High compactness. During the whole process of welding, the molten pool is continuously stirred, and the vapor is easy to come out, resulting in the transformation into penetration welding without vent holes. The high cooling efficiency after welding also makes it easy to micro-optimize the welding arrangement, and the welding compressive strength, ductility and comprehensive performance are high.

(4) Solid welding. High temperature pyrogen and complete digestion and absorption of two components of non-metallic materials lead to purification effect, reduce residue components, change the specification of impurities and their distribution in fusion, and do not need electrodes or filler electrodes during the whole welding process. The area is less polluted by the environment, so that the compressive strength and ductility of the welding are at least equal to or even higher than that of the pregnant mother's metal material.

(5) Manipulation. Due to the small focusing spot, the welding can be positioned and navigated, and the light can be easily transmitted and manipulated. There is no need to replace the welding torch and nozzle frequently, which can significantly reduce the auxiliary time of shutdown. Downward change and start again.

(6) The whole process of non-contact, ambient air welding. Since the kinetic energy comes from the laser, there is no physical contact between the product workpiece, so no force is released on the product workpiece. In addition, the electromagnetic field is not harmful to laser welding.

(7) Because of the low average heat input and high machining accuracy, the cost of reproduction and processing can be reduced. In addition, the operating cost of laser welding is low, thereby reducing the cost of product workpieces.

The application and intelligence of the handheld laser welder in the operation of the laser welding machine have become a powerful equipment in the industrial equipment. Production has created a high contribution, and it is also the choice of more and more processing plants. OPTIC LASER can provide free proofing of portable laser welding equipment, and customize handheld laser welding equipment according to customer needs. For more information, you can privately message our engineers. 


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